Lost Book of Nostradamus

Nostradamus, history’s greatest prophet, is credited with predicting some of the world’s most shocking events hundreds of years before they ever took place. Now, THE HISTORY CHANNEL reveals a recently unearthed manuscript containing cryptic predictions that may have been written and illustrated by the famed prophet. The book Prophecy of the Roman Popes lay hidden for over 400 years until its recent discovery and may contain new predictions (including the crisis in the middle east and the apocalypse). This feature-length documentary examines the book to shed new light on Nostradamus’ most famed prophesies and uses forensic analysis to determine its authenticity. Nostradamus’ words and illustrations are brought to life through state-of-the-art CGI animation and dramatic reenactments. As we examine both the man and his myth, the LOST BOOK OF NOSTRADAMUS reveals the truth about history’s most infamous prophet and the significance of his final words.


5.4 / 10





1h 31m

Budget: Unknown

Revenue: Unknown


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