Angkor Wat: Mysterious Smile of Buddha

On the shore of Lake paint Tonle Glanders, which is located in the heart of Cambodia, is located the ancient city Angkor, which at one time served as the capital of the Khmer Empire stateliness. He'd founded in the year 802, and the next it is built in over 4 centuries, 25-Tew Khmer emperors. In the film tells history the appearance of this unusual town, also describes a unique ecosystem formed by the Mekong River and Lake Tonle Sap. Mysterious grin stone Buddhas of the imagination, as well as memorable walks in Ta Prohm. In the film also shows the daily life of the local fishermen, who, like their forefathers in hundreds of years, continue their seasonal movement of the majestic lake.


7.0 / 10





0h 50m

Budget: Unknown

Revenue: Unknown


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