Mucky Secrets

At the heart of the Coral Triangle, Indonesia's Lembeh Strait is renowned for it's huge diversity and concentration of marine life. This special stretch of water is home to an astonishing array of weird and wonderful aquatic creatures. In a practice known as "muck diving", explorers seek out exotic marine animals amongst the fine sediment and discarded trash on the seabed. Bubble Vision videographer Nick Hope takes us underwater and reveals the secrets behind this cornucopia of life. Along the way we encounter corals, stingrays, unusual sharks, eels, shrimps, crabs, octopus, cuttlefish, sea snails, sea slugs and of course a huge variety of tropical fish. Learn about the clever strategies such as camouflage, mimicry and symbiosis that these animals depend on in their ongoing struggle for survival on the seabed. Mucky Secrets is a fine resource for scuba divers, aquarists, students of marine biology, or anyone who is fascinated by the mysterious life that inhabits the underwater world.


10.0 / 10



Nick Hope


1h 32m

Budget: Unknown

Revenue: Unknown


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