Secret Space I: The Illuminati's Conquest of Space David Icke, Jaime Maussan, Marcus Allen and Valery Uvarov spoke, the veil of secrecy at NASA, the sordid history of the ex NAZI SS Officers at the heart of the Apollo Space Missions and the interplay of Masonic symbolism in the names of rockets and spacecraft all started to become frighteningly clear. Chris Everard presents what can only be described as the most startling UFO footage ever seen. The Space Serpents flying around the upper atmosphere have to be seen to be believed. What's more, is that all the UFO clips come direct from NASA - filmed by astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle! I must admit that I originally thought the premise for this film was ridiculous. Two hours later, I found myself staring blankly at the end credits. My phone rang unanswered. I lit my first cigarette for 20 years and realised that some kind of Alien Invasion is happening. Colonel Philip Corso was right. They're Here!"


9.0 / 10




Chris Everard



Budget: Unknown

Revenue: Unknown


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